Blaire Rummel

3 Fitness Tips I Wish I Knew Before Working Out

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 22, 2016 6:18:57 PM / by Blaire Rummel

I’ve been lifting weights since I was 13 because of my involvement in sports. But I didn’t truly start working out in an attempt to stay fit and healthy as an adult until after I had my daughter five years ago. Since becoming a mother, I’ve strived to be the strongest and most balanced version of myself, especially when it comes to working out.

I’ve learned some things as a mother, personal trainer and fitness instructor that I wish I knew before I started working out. Maybe these fitness tips learned will help you along the way and save you some time and disappointment.

3 Fitness Tips to Learn Before Starting to Workout

  • fitness tipsNutrition is almost everything: You simply can’t outwork a bad diet. Now that doesn’t mean you have to eat clean 100 percent of the time. But it’s crucial to fuel your body with the right foods and maintain a balance. Learning how much food you need in order to maintain your weight or even lose weight is priceless knowledge.
  • You don’t have to be perfect: I wish I knew this before I started working out because I’ve had a tendency to over-train and push too hard, which has led to some frustrating injuries. I’ve also missed out on some fun social events because I was worried about my food. Ugh! Remember that this is a journey, a lifestyle and an endurance event. Perfection is a myth, never to be attained. Be kind to yourself and know that changes will occur if you remain consistent.
  • Lift weights over cardio: I’ve tended to jump on a cardio machine rather than lift weights when I’m in a rush. But lifting weights will boost your metabolism and have a longer-lasting effect on your body than endless hours of cardio. This is one of the things I wish I knew before I started working out because I’d have saved a lot of time and achieved a lot more physically and athletically.


Topics: Exercise, Cardio, Diet

Blaire Rummel

Written by Blaire Rummel

Blaire Rummel co-owns a woman’s fitness facility and blogs for several gyms across the country. She has been personal training since 2005. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She has a personal training certification from NASM and a certification in Functional Movement Systems. She has been trained and specializes in TRX training as well. She played Division 1 softball where she was an Academic All-American and has competed in several fitness competitions over the past decade. She resides in Oregon with her husband and 4-year old daughter.

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