Could you imagine Homer Simpson without his donuts? The character is the epitome of laziness, but maybe it isn't so much a character flaw as it is the fault of that high-carbohydrate diet of his. Could you give up carbs if it meant putting your body to work for you? Carbs don't just make you lazy, they make your body lazy; cutting down on your potential to naturally burn fat. Is the ketogenic diet the answer?
Weight Loss
Health and Fitness
Revealed! 5 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss Success
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 14, 2016 12:26:10 PM / by Oliver S.
Losing weight can sometimes feel like a roller coaster, but while the rides at an amusement park may be fun, weight loss can often be a frustrating process. You have good months where you drop a few pounds, then the next month the scale jumps the opposite direction. If you find yourself trapped in this up-and-down pattern but still want to lose weight, then take a look at these five secrets to lasting weight loss success.