The City Fitness Philly Blog

Training Weight Lifting

5 Beast Tips to Help You Build Muscle Fast

[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 27, 2016 4:54:29 PM / by David W.

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Whether you've finally started to lose that stubborn belly fat, or you're beginning to recognize more definition in your shoulders, getting results from all of your hard work is one of the best feelings in the world. Being strong and fit is definitely the new skinny. Fitness buffs around the world are looking for the best ways to start building muscle more quickly. Now is the perfect time to stop feeling like an average Joe (or Jane) and start realizing your dreams of rocking a seriously banging body. Since you've finally mastered the basics, follow these easy tips to start building muscle fast.

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Weight Lifting Fitness

The 5 Most Common Gym Injuries (And How to Avoid Them)

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 30, 2016 3:19:49 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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How careful are you in the gym? It may surprise you to realize that, regardless of how attentive you think you are, you’re taking some mighty awful risks every time you hit the weights or step on a treadmill. Of course, getting injured in the gym is more than just a setback to your fitness: it can mean real consequences rippling through the rest of your life, with implications far beyond your max squat. Let's talk about the 5 most common gym injuries faced by the fitness-savvy, and help you figure out the steps to take to avoid finding yourself on the receiving end.

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Weight Lifting Fitness

5 Lifts To Consider for Your Strength Regimen

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 28, 2016 3:27:21 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Looking for lifts a bit off the beaten path? Sometimes, a change of pace can have a real benefit to our exercise regimen. The body gets too accustomed to a particular workout and slows growth, the mind grows bored with the same deadlifts and military presses day-in and day-out, and our time in the gym thus becomes less fun, less effective, less worthwhile. So next time you head out, consider these 5 unique lifts to spice up your strength regimen, clean up weak spots, and test your all-round fitness.

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Training Weight Lifting

Can You Do Bodybuilding Workouts as an Athlete?

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 11, 2016 7:32:25 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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If you’ve been involved in fitness for a while, you’ve probably noticed that there are different styles of working out. Some people focus solely on their cardiovascular fitness and endurance. Others prefer bodybuilding, focusing on isolating muscle groups and building muscle to achieve a certain aesthetic. And then there are athletes, training to strengthen their performance and overall ability.

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