The City Fitness Philly Blog

Exercise Nutrition Fitness

Pre-workout Foods: Eat This – Not That

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 12, 2016 2:09:58 PM / by Sarah M.

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Correctly fueling your body before you hop on the treadmill or belly up to that weight set can be tough. Some foods will kick you into high gear, allowing you to get amazing results from exercise. Others, however, can make you sluggish or slightly ill, weighing you down and ruining what might otherwise be an awesome workout. Well, never fear: we’ve got your back. Here, you’ll learn some classic pre-workout foods to avoid and what to eat instead.

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Nutrition Diet

5 Unhealthy "Healthy" Foods you should avoid

[fa icon="calendar'] May 6, 2016 6:53:27 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Standing in the dressing room of your favorite department store, you hurriedly take off a tight pair of jeans. Staring at yourself in the fitting room’s full-length mirror, you know you need to make some changes. Vowing to start eating healthier and working out at the gym more often, you drive to the supermarket in order to stock up on the latest trends in health foods. If you can relate to this scenario, you might be surprised at how unhealthy some perceived health foods really are. To successfully lose weight, avoiding the following unhealthy "healthy" foods is a good idea.

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

5 Common Snacking Habits to Avoid

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 23, 2016 2:16:44 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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After stepping on the scales, you’re baffled by the number you see. For the last several weeks, you’ve dutifully ate three, healthy meals each day. Unfortunately, the number on the scales seems stuck. If you can relate to this scenario, are you monitoring your snacks? To lose weight and keep it off for life, consider the following five snacking habits to avoid.

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

4 Awesome Post-Workout Foods To Try

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 9, 2016 11:27:32 AM / by Blaire Rummel

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The way you eat before and after a workout can destroy or catapult your fitness success. And while there are a lot of different approaches to pre-workout foods, there isn’t as much variety when it comes to post-workout foods. Your body needs certain nutrients to help repair the damage that’s been done during your workout and get you back on your feet quicker.

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

The 10 Best Muscle-Building Foods

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 15, 2016 12:39:37 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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You work out hard and train consistently, but all your hard work could be for naught without another crucial fitness ingredient: quality nutrition. Eating right is the key to retaining muscle as well as building it. Nutrition also assists in efficient recovery after a workout so that you can stay injury-free. The following are the top 10 muscle-building foods and retaining post-workout health:

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

Sushi: The Best and Worst Diet Choices

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 12, 2016 3:46:20 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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The Best and Worst Diet Choices for Sushi

Going out for sushi is an awesome experience and a fun meal choice for most of us. It offers an opportunity to eat some unique fish and try creative flavor combinations. And most of the ingredients used at sushi restaurants are healthy. But there are quite a few options that can derail a diet as well.

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Nutrition Fitness Health and Fitness

How Black Coffee Can Boost Workout Performance

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 18, 2015 6:49:41 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Coffee, so much controversy for one little bean! If people all throughout the world start their day with it, coffee's health benefits must have some merit, right? Today, studies agree that if you are a good metabolizer of coffee, it may benefit your workouts! Let's take a look at the science and how adding black coffee to your daily routine could help boost your workout performance.

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

How To Make Meal Prep Easier

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 1, 2015 2:26:35 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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There’s been a lot of buzz lately about meal preparation, or what’s often referred to as meal prep.

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Nutrition Diet Fitness

4 Amazing Benefits of Pumpkins

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2015 11:10:04 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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Halloween may have gone, but that doesn’t mean pumpkins should be.

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