The City Fitness Philly Blog

Exercise Nutrition Fitness

Pre-workout Foods: Eat This – Not That

[fa icon="calendar'] Jul 12, 2016 2:09:58 PM / by Sarah M.

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Correctly fueling your body before you hop on the treadmill or belly up to that weight set can be tough. Some foods will kick you into high gear, allowing you to get amazing results from exercise. Others, however, can make you sluggish or slightly ill, weighing you down and ruining what might otherwise be an awesome workout. Well, never fear: we’ve got your back. Here, you’ll learn some classic pre-workout foods to avoid and what to eat instead.

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Exercise Health and Fitness

3 Knee Exercises to Increase Stability And Reduce Pain

[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2016 3:31:49 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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If you stuffed a buck in your gym shorts (ooh la la) each time someone said “running will ruin your knees” or called you “crazy” when you did a box jump, you’d have enough cash to board a cruise and sail away from those Debbie Downers. If you find your joy through jumping, and you tweak your knee, it takes a nano-second for someone to sidle up, their non-runners heart-rate accelerating in excitement, as they whisper “I told you so.” While a lifetime of pool exercise might float some people’s noodles, you prefer the feeling of propelling off solid ground. Am I right? Well, I’ve got good news, Speedy. There are plenty of people with a host of “knee issues” who bound about with pain-free abandon thanks to these simple knee exercises.

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Exercise Training

Daily Strength Training: Is It A Good Idea?

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 18, 2016 2:39:35 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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For those of us who have experienced the benefits of strength training (lower body fat, elevated energy, a sculpted physique, metabolic boost), it’s a common concern. Why wouldn’t you want to do something every day that makes you feel and look so good! The answer to daily strength training being healthy isn’t a simple one; it depends on the individual. Strength training is intertwined with recovery and what you do post-workout. 

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Exercise Cardio

The Many Benefits of Sled Training

[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 18, 2016 1:24:13 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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Want to move better? Get faster? How about lose body fat and boost your metabolism? Well if you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to start implementing sled training into your weekly regimen.

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Exercise Training Fitness

Don't Let Shin Splints Get in the Way of Your Workouts

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 17, 2016 1:37:48 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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What Are Shin Splints?

Most people who run regularly (for whatever reason) have, at one time or another, experienced what are commonly known as shin splints. Shin splints are democratic. They strike anyone who unevenly uses the lower leg muscles. Usually, the finger is pointed at runners, but wearers of higher heels can develop a fine case of shin splints, too.

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Exercise Training Fitness

Stretches to Reduce Leg Cramps

[fa icon="calendar'] Feb 8, 2016 5:50:22 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Have leg cramps ever stopped you in your tracks? You would remember if it happened. These cramps are the worst and once they start, feel as if they will return with one wrong move. According to the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons, muscles most prone to cramping are those that cross two joints. These include your hamstrings, quadriceps and gastrocnemius- backs of thighs, fronts of thighs and backs of lower legs. If you've been concentrating on strengthening your legs and have experienced an increase in leg cramping, try adding a few stretches to your workout routine. This will help keep you flexible and possibly reduce leg cramps.

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Exercise Training Fitness

Exercise Injury: Getting Back Into Shape

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 27, 2016 11:58:24 AM / by City Fitness Philly

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An injury can sideline you for weeks or even months. So, once the doctor has cleared you to workout after an exercise injury, how do you go about getting back into shape? Today, we have you covered with tips on how to do just that!

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Exercise Cardio Fitness

Best Cardio Machine: Elliptical Vs. Treadmill

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 25, 2016 11:31:55 AM / by City Fitness Philly

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People who are just learning about their body and the type of exercise equipment that is available to them often have some major decisions to make. Not only does exercise equipment range in price, it also ranges in varying degrees of complexity. If you are just starting out, you don't need a machine with all the bells and whistles attached. It will end up being overwhelming and you are more likely to give up when you realize you are in over your head. Look for pieces of equipment that fit within your limitations as well as your goals. A perfect example of choosing the best cardio machine is whether to choose an elliptical machine or a treadmill.

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Exercise Cardio Diet

3 Fitness Tips I Wish I Knew Before Working Out

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 22, 2016 6:18:57 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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I’ve been lifting weights since I was 13 because of my involvement in sports. But I didn’t truly start working out in an attempt to stay fit and healthy as an adult until after I had my daughter five years ago. Since becoming a mother, I’ve strived to be the strongest and most balanced version of myself, especially when it comes to working out.

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Exercise Training Fitness

How to Choose an Ideal Workout Buddy

[fa icon="calendar'] Jan 5, 2016 4:08:10 PM / by Blaire Rummel

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It’s hard enough to get to the gym. But when you consider finding an ideal workout buddy, the task becomes, even more, daunting. Why is this so hard?

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5 Group Fitness Class Pass