The City Fitness Philly Blog

Fitness Goals Health and Fitness

Building Muscle Mass: Do Protein Shakes Really Work?

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 22, 2016 2:15:06 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Over the years, there has been a much debating over whether or not protein shakes are beneficial when it comes to building muscle mass and improving performance. The fact is, when used correctly, protein shakes can play an important role in how well an athlete progresses in their workout program and how quickly they reach their goals. Because protein is used to some degree in almost every function in the human body, more is needed when the body carries an excess amount of muscle tissue. The key is to get the amount of protein the body needs without overloading on calories that may not be used up during exercise or regular daily activity.

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Motivation Fitness Goals

Wake up your Workday with Functional Fitness

[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 13, 2016 1:54:38 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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It’s 2:29 pm. You're fending off yawn after yawn. Unfortunately, most days you find yourself counting the minutes between lunch and quitting time, trying not to grab a cappuccino or candy bar for a boost. Stop! There’s another way. Turns out (hint hint, functional fitness), you might not feel the urge to turn to sugary snacks and stimulants if you incorporate tiny bouts of discreet movement into your day.

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Exercise Fitness Goals Fitness

Families that Can Get Fit Together, Stay Healthy

[fa icon="calendar'] Dec 3, 2015 1:16:19 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Our society is becoming more and more sedentary. With video games and television being to primary activities for many children (and their parents) it’s no wonder that obesity and depression are rampant in our country and families are growing apart.

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Exercise Motivation Fitness Goals

How to Set Goals for Success

[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2015 11:09:23 PM / by City Fitness Philly

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Goals are good. Actually, goals are great! You want to have goals in your life, especially when they involve your health and fitness. Goals help us get inspired and motivated to change our current behavior. They help us get into a gym, but this is usually where it stops.

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