The morning hours can make or break your entire day. While everyone is entitled to a lazy morning and the occasional “do nothing except watch Netflix” type of day, the more you can take advantage of the first few hours after waking up, the more you can dramatically boost your motivation and make a serious change in your overall day. And when you focus on trying to boost motivation, it typically leads to more productivity, a happier mood and stronger self-confidence all day long.
Make the bed: Yup! I know I sound like your parent here. But research supports that the simple act of making your bed sets up your entire day for success and can alter your motivation in a positive way. It sets a tone of “I’m going to get stuff done today.”
- Find one long-term goal: Before leaving the house for the day, spend a few minutes thinking about one long-term goal you have for your life and pick two to three activities for the day that get you closer to achieving this specific goal. No matter the activity you choose, it gives your mind a sense of purpose and will boost your motivation in a way that helps you produce more throughout the day. You’ll also feel better at night and probably sleep better too!
- Move: A lot of us aren’t morning workout people. (I totally can relate.) But a quick jog, walk or even a few body-weight moves can get your blood flowing and give your overall motivation a jumpstart. Morning workouts have been shown to help improve focus and work productivity as well.