People who are just learning about their body and the type of exercise equipment that is available to them often have some major decisions to make. Not only does exercise equipment range in price, it also ranges in varying degrees of complexity. If you are just starting out, you don't need a machine with all the bells and whistles attached. It will end up being overwhelming and you are more likely to give up when you realize you are in over your head. Look for pieces of equipment that fit within your limitations as well as your goals. A perfect example of choosing the best cardio machine is whether to choose an elliptical machine or a treadmill.
How to Choose the Best Cardio Machine
Individuals who want simplicity would do better with a treadmill. Some treadmills offer a variety of settings include grade variations and different speeds. Most settings are easily managed through the dashboard and are not hard to master. A basic treadmill, however, is ideal for someone who is beginning their weight loss journey. Because elliptical machines are more intense and involve more muscle groups than a basic treadmill, they are less stressful on the body and are easier to work with. As a person's skill and endurance level increases, more complex pieces of equipment should be avoided. This prevents a person for working past their limits and injuring themselves.
Different Goals
When choosing the best cardio machine for you, remember that different goals will also call for different pieces of equipment. If the goal is to maintain a specific level of activity or fitness, then a treadmill would be an ideal choice. If a person is working towards a specific weight loss or fitness goal, then an elliptical may be what they need. When increased endurance and stamina are the intended results, a treadmill will work, but an elliptical will push a person past existing limits and force their body to go above and beyond. Just like advanced treadmills, elliptical machines also have adjustable settings that can enhance your workout. By varying these settings each time you use the machine, you will expose your body to different conditions and create a more intense and in-depth workout.
More Involved
Elliptical machines offer a more extensive, whole body workout. Depending on their complexity, they involve more muscle groups and involve more strenuous activity than a basic treadmill. Elliptical machines simulate various types of climbing activity ranging from slightly sloped pathways to steep stairways. The steeper the grade, the more intense the workout. Some machines offer random settings that will cause the machine to vary the degree of the slope from time to time. While this would not be a good idea for someone who is inexperienced, it is an excellent tool for someone who is working on maintaining a high level of fitness.