City Fitness Philly

Exercise Injury: Getting Back Into Shape

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 27, 2016 11:58:24 AM / by City Fitness Philly

An injury can sideline you for weeks or even months. So, once the doctor has cleared you to workout after an exercise injury, how do you go about getting back into shape? Today, we have you covered with tips on how to do just that!

Exercise Injury - Getting Back Into Shape

exercise injuryIf you were in shape before you were injured, your path to recovery and fitness would be smoother than if you were not in good shape before the injury. That's to be expected. After all, why would it be easier for you to get in better shape than you were in before the injury?

Additional factors dictate how long it will take you to recover from an injury.

This includes:

  • Type of injury (a sprain will heal faster than a break)
  • Type of tissue involved, and its location on the body
  • Management or response to injury - if you sought help right away and corrected the issue, you were able to start healing faster
  • Your doctor's recommendations on what activities you can and cannot do - if you are restricted from many activities, your path to fitness will take longer

Your body will also have undergone several changes while you were injured. You might have lost some muscle mass, your lungs may have lost elasticity (making it harder for you to breathe as a result), and you may not have the same energy levels that you had before. It's important to be aware of your limitations, so you do not overdo it when returning to exercise after an injury.

Be patient and gentle with yourself while recovering. As long as you have your doctor's okay and you take it easy, you can go back to the activities that you enjoyed doing before you were injured - at a lower intensity.

For cardio exercise, start with no resistance and no incline, working up in incline and resistance over a period of weeks. If you regularly run for exercise, begin with walking. Progress to power walking and then to jogging.

For strength training, dial the weight back to half of what you were doing before you were injured. This way, you can work up to the bigger intensity and will not risk injuring yourself while working out.

As you work out, listen to your body. If something does not feel good or if it hurts, take a break and back off in intensity. Trying to push through or ignore the pain can only make things worse and may set you back in your healing process. During your recovery process, it is important to be patient with yourself, to have fun, and to respect where you are on the journey. This way, you will be able to heal without putting stress on your body.

As you become stronger and more fit, you will be able to train harder. Always remember to listen to your doctor's recommendations until you are fully recovered.

If you want more help with an exercise injury and getting back into shape, consider booking a few personal training appointments. Our trainers can help you ease back into exercising without overdoing it.


Topics: Exercise, Training, Fitness

City Fitness Philly

Written by City Fitness Philly

City Fitness is a fitness brand that prides itself on living by its core values – operating Philadelphia’s cleanest, most well-maintained health clubs, providing excellent customer service in a motivating environment, and using the most cutting-edge fitness technology and programming to help our community achieve their goals. It is our belief that these values, executed to perfection in our clubs and carried with us through partnerships and community engagement give us the ability to push the needle towards Philadelphia becoming the fittest city in the United States.

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