Blaire Rummel

How to Choose an Ideal Workout Buddy

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 5, 2016 4:08:10 PM / by Blaire Rummel

It’s hard enough to get to the gym. But when you consider finding an ideal workout buddy, the task becomes, even more, daunting. Why is this so hard?

I believe it’s difficult because not every one of your friends can qualify for the job. They need to have a few important qualities for you to get the maximum benefit.

Let’s go over what to avoid and what traits are most helpful when in pursuit of an ideal workout buddy. And if you can’t seem to find a friend to fit the job description, many people do just fine working out by themselves!

workout buddyThings to Watch out for When Choosing a Workout Buddy

  • Negativity: I don’t know many people who benefit in the gym by being around individuals who are overly negative. People who are focused on body-shaming those around them or even their bodies do nothing to help gym motivation. You also don’t want to be around a “friend” who is putting you down or who is overly focused on your appearance.
  • Poor fitness fit: It’s wise to find a workout buddy who is close to your fitness level and level of experience in the gym. If you pair up with someone who works out at an intensity or style completely different than what you’re used to, it could result in some major discouragement, intimidation, injury or motivation buzzkill. Sometimes someone at a more advanced level can inspire you, but this is rare and doesn’t tend to last long.

Here are some helpful traits to look for instead:

  • Encouraging: Who doesn’t benefit by being around someone positive and encouraging?
  • Motivating: A friend who is motivated to make a lifestyle change and get to the gym on a regular basis can help us push through on those days when it seems too difficult.
  • Similar goals: An ideal workout buddy has goals and experiences similar to yours. When you can share difficulties, passions and goals without holding each other back, you’ll both benefit in more ways than one!


Topics: Exercise, Training, Fitness

Blaire Rummel

Written by Blaire Rummel

Blaire Rummel co-owns a woman’s fitness facility and blogs for several gyms across the country. She has been personal training since 2005. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and is licensed as a Marriage and Family Therapist. She has a personal training certification from NASM and a certification in Functional Movement Systems. She has been trained and specializes in TRX training as well. She played Division 1 softball where she was an Academic All-American and has competed in several fitness competitions over the past decade. She resides in Oregon with her husband and 4-year old daughter.

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