City Fitness Philly

The 10 Best Muscle-Building Foods

[fa icon="calendar"] Jan 15, 2016 12:39:37 PM / by City Fitness Philly

You work out hard and train consistently, but all your hard work could be for naught without another crucial fitness ingredient: quality nutrition. Eating right is the key to retaining muscle as well as building it. Nutrition also assists in efficient recovery after a workout so that you can stay injury-free. The following are the top 10 muscle-building foods and retaining post-workout health:

The Best Muscle-Building Foods

muscle-building foodsLean Meats

Protein from meat is one of the most powerful ways to amp up your muscle growth and mass. Lean beef is loaded with iron, zinc, B vitamins and other essential amino acids. Boneless, skinless chicken breast is another excellent choice, aiding in muscle repair and growth due to its abundance of quality proteins. Lean turkey breast is another top muscle-building food.


Eggs were once derided as harmful to cholesterol levels, but the truth is that they contain very high-quality protein, healthy fats, choline, nine essential amino acids and vitamin D. These can contribute profoundly to tissue repair and muscle growth.


Fish, especially oily fish, are high in protein and low fat while offering loads of healthy omega 3 fatty acids. These miracle compounds in oily fish help to bolster fat loss and metabolism while also supporting immune system health and other bodily processes.

Low-Fat Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is a great source of casein protein, which digests slowly, regulating the appetite and assisting in muscle growth and maintenance. It is also a strong source for calcium, vitamin B12 and other nutrients key to workout recovery and building lean muscle.

Whey Protein

Whey protein powder offers an easy, convenient and affordable protein solution. Use it in shakes and smoothies on the go or cooked into oatmeal and other dishes.

Nuts and Nut Butters

Fats and protein from meat and fish are extremely beneficial, but you can also find them in nuts like walnuts, almonds, pistachios and chia seeds.


Oatmeal has a low glycemic index which makes it a quality source of carbohydrates. It helps with increased micronutrients, decreased hunger pangs, improved fat loss, muscle growth and tissue preservation.

Whole Grains

Whole grains help to boost growth hormones and promote fat loss, lean muscle growth and gains in muscular strength.

Fruits and Vegetables

Vegetables and fruits offer a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins and fiber, boosting the immune system and other body functions. Leafy green vegetables like spinach and kale, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts are extremely beneficial. Fruits like blueberries, pineapple, strawberries and mangoes can round out a nutritious diet. Vitamin C, E, K, vegetarian iron and beta-carotene are just some of the key nutrients that fruits and vegetables can provide the muscles.

Healthy Oils

Nutrients from oily fish are beneficial, but you can also find muscle-building oils in flaxseed, avocado and coconut. Use these oils for cooking, or slice an avocado into a salad, sandwich or wrap.

Working out and training hard is great, but all of your gains could be lost without a focus on proper nutrition. If you’re looking to achieve muscle gains and ensure fitness maintenance, these 10 muscle-building foods can help. Make them a part of a balanced diet in portions that are appropriate to your age, weight and fitness goals.


Topics: Nutrition, Diet, Fitness

City Fitness Philly

Written by City Fitness Philly

City Fitness is a fitness brand that prides itself on living by its core values – operating Philadelphia’s cleanest, most well-maintained health clubs, providing excellent customer service in a motivating environment, and using the most cutting-edge fitness technology and programming to help our community achieve their goals. It is our belief that these values, executed to perfection in our clubs and carried with us through partnerships and community engagement give us the ability to push the needle towards Philadelphia becoming the fittest city in the United States.

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