Our society is becoming more and more sedentary. With video games and television being to primary activities for many children (and their parents) it’s no wonder that obesity and depression are rampant in our country and families are growing apart.
What to Eat After a Late Workout
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 20, 2015 4:21:46 PM / by Blaire Rummel
It’s rather confusing to know what to eat before and after a workout no matter what time of day it is. This confusion can double when it comes to eating after a late workout.
7 Tips for Easing Post-Workout Recovery
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 3, 2015 4:23:36 PM / by City Fitness Philly
Few things can put you off your workout regimen faster than an agonizing, slow recovery--all the worse if you find you can't get back into the gym come your next exercise day because you're still sore from the previous one. Knowing the tricks to take the edge off delayed-onset muscle soreness and get your body restored back to better condition than before is key to making the most of your workouts, so the next time you hit the gym, make sure you have these seven tips for easing post-workout recovery working for you:
Two Exercises that Burn More Calories Than Running
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2015 11:09:40 PM / by Blaire Rummel
Running is one of the best exercises for burning a lot of calories in a short period. The average adult usually will burn between 8 and 11 calories per minute depending on the intensity level. And when you increase the speed and incline, this caloric burn will increase in a dramatic way. But running isn’t appealing to everyone, and it might not be the best option either. So what else can you choose in order to burn a lot of calories during your cardio workout?
How to Set Goals for Success
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2015 11:09:23 PM / by City Fitness Philly
Goals are good. Actually, goals are great! You want to have goals in your life, especially when they involve your health and fitness. Goals help us get inspired and motivated to change our current behavior. They help us get into a gym, but this is usually where it stops.
3 Tips to Boost Motivation All Day Long
[fa icon="calendar'] Nov 2, 2015 11:09:06 PM / by Blaire Rummel
The morning hours can make or break your entire day. While everyone is entitled to a lazy morning and the occasional “do nothing except watch Netflix” type of day, the more you can take advantage of the first few hours after waking up, the more you can dramatically boost your motivation and make a serious change in your overall day. And when you focus on trying to boost motivation, it typically leads to more productivity, a happier mood and stronger self-confidence all day long.