There are a few phrases that everyone who trains hard knows very well. “I can’t move!” “I’m never going to train again!” “Have mercy!” Often heard in the early hours of the morning after the most miniscule body movement, roommates and neighbors alike live in dread of these cries. The good news is the more you train the more accustomed your body becomes to it, and the less hellish the day after becomes. But here are some little tricks that will help ease your post-workout recovery (and keep you on better terms with mean-face-man next door.)
Post-Workout Recovery Or Bust
1) You Gotta Take The Time To Prep
In a workout you’re going to push your body, and your muscles will be broken down, but this is completely different than injury. To prevent injury always make sure to warm up before your work out. It’s a good habit to even warm up gently before stretching.
2) Anti-Inflammatory Supps
When you work out, there will be areas of your muscles that become inflamed as your body works to rebuild them. This is normal, but you can help ease the inflammation with supplements like Glutamine, BCAA’s, and fish oil. If you’re into juice and smoothies, honey and ginger are two known ingredients to help reduce inflammation.
3) Deep Tissue Massage, Ahhh...
Getting some strong fingers on your muscles after a hard work out can be one of the most beneficial tricks of the trade. You’ll rarely find a professional athlete who doesn’t enlist the aid of a good deep-tissue massage. Massages like these will accelerate the blood flow in your muscle tissue, which will greatly speed up the recovery process. If massages don’t fit your budget, a foam roller or tennis ball are great tools to bring on that blood circulation.
4) Fuel up!
Your body requires fuel just like your vehicle does. You wouldn’t expect your car to keep running well if you never gave it oil and dumped orange juice in the gas tank. In order for your body to rebuild your muscles and stay in prime condition you have to put the right food inside it. Make sure you’re getting nutrients, not just filling your stomach. And of course you’ll hear any trainer say over and over- water, water, water! Before, during, after any workout.
5) "Snooze" Doesn't Always Mean "Lose"
If you think a non-stop lifestyle on 3 hours of sleep is smart- it’s not. Your body actually repairs itself during sleep. You will only have the optimal post-workout recovery if you get plenty of rest. Most professionals recommend at least 8 hours at night. It’s not selfish, it’s self-care. Protect that time of sleep and you’ll be the best, healthiest, most recovered you.