Could you imagine Homer Simpson without his donuts? The character is the epitome of laziness, but maybe it isn't so much a character flaw as it is the fault of that high-carbohydrate diet of his. Could you give up carbs if it meant putting your body to work for you? Carbs don't just make you lazy, they make your body lazy; cutting down on your potential to naturally burn fat. Is the ketogenic diet the answer?
5 Ways To Survive: Post-Workout Recovery
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 23, 2016 4:51:36 PM / by Jewel H.
There are a few phrases that everyone who trains hard knows very well. “I can’t move!” “I’m never going to train again!” “Have mercy!” Often heard in the early hours of the morning after the most miniscule body movement, roommates and neighbors alike live in dread of these cries. The good news is the more you train the more accustomed your body becomes to it, and the less hellish the day after becomes. But here are some little tricks that will help ease your post-workout recovery (and keep you on better terms with mean-face-man next door.)
Revealed! 5 Secrets for Lasting Weight Loss Success
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 14, 2016 12:26:10 PM / by Oliver S.
Losing weight can sometimes feel like a roller coaster, but while the rides at an amusement park may be fun, weight loss can often be a frustrating process. You have good months where you drop a few pounds, then the next month the scale jumps the opposite direction. If you find yourself trapped in this up-and-down pattern but still want to lose weight, then take a look at these five secrets to lasting weight loss success.
Heart Rate Monitors: The Ultimate Weight Loss Tool
[fa icon="calendar'] Jun 6, 2016 5:40:28 PM / by Blaire Rummel
Let’s be honest: There’s a lot of “crap” masquerading as gym accessories. It’s usually packaged in a crafty way to get you to fork over your money with the hope of having a better gym experience, or better yet drop a few extra pounds. I’m sure you’ve seen the countless gadgets offered online and in retail stores. It’s enticing, right? Why wouldn’t you want to purchase the latest and greatest fitness invention that could make working out just a bit easier? I sure would! But it’s important not to fall victim to these gimmicks and to discern what you truly need versus what is simply a waste of money.
HIIT Workout: 3 Best Moves For Amazing Summer Abs
[fa icon="calendar'] May 13, 2016 6:59:15 PM / by City Fitness Philly
Fitness buffs across the nation have officially fallen head over heels in love with High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT. Whether you're simply trying to work up a sweat when every machine at the gym is taken up or want to get your fitness on while on a camping trip with friends, a HIIT workout are perfect for anyone who is short on time or sick of waiting for a treadmill.
3 Knee Exercises to Increase Stability And Reduce Pain
[fa icon="calendar'] May 11, 2016 3:31:49 PM / by City Fitness Philly
If you stuffed a buck in your gym shorts (ooh la la) each time someone said “running will ruin your knees” or called you “crazy” when you did a box jump, you’d have enough cash to board a cruise and sail away from those Debbie Downers. If you find your joy through jumping, and you tweak your knee, it takes a nano-second for someone to sidle up, their non-runners heart-rate accelerating in excitement, as they whisper “I told you so.” While a lifetime of pool exercise might float some people’s noodles, you prefer the feeling of propelling off solid ground. Am I right? Well, I’ve got good news, Speedy. There are plenty of people with a host of “knee issues” who bound about with pain-free abandon thanks to these simple knee exercises.
Building Muscle Mass: Do Protein Shakes Really Work?
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 22, 2016 2:15:06 PM / by City Fitness Philly
Over the years, there has been a much debating over whether or not protein shakes are beneficial when it comes to building muscle mass and improving performance. The fact is, when used correctly, protein shakes can play an important role in how well an athlete progresses in their workout program and how quickly they reach their goals. Because protein is used to some degree in almost every function in the human body, more is needed when the body carries an excess amount of muscle tissue. The key is to get the amount of protein the body needs without overloading on calories that may not be used up during exercise or regular daily activity.
The 4 Wellness Levels of Physical Conditioning
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 15, 2016 12:29:16 PM / by City Fitness Philly
The physical condition continuum has four major points: Sick, Well, Fit, Sports-specific. Each of these points has unique aspects to it that deserve attention during physical conditioning.
Take Down Tired: 6 Energy-Draining Foods
[fa icon="calendar'] Apr 5, 2016 11:17:09 AM / by Blaire Rummel
Ever have trouble keeping your eyes open in the afternoon? It’s happened to us all. The hours after lunchtime can zap your energy, making it difficult to get work done and finish daily responsibilities. It also can lead you to skip an evening workout! So what causes this? Often it can be connected to the energy-draining foods we eat. Let’s look at some of the culprits so you can avoid them and get through your day with as much energy as you had in the morning!
Paleo Diet 101: A Basic Paleo Guide for Beginners
[fa icon="calendar'] Mar 4, 2016 6:00:54 PM / by City Fitness Philly
The paleo diet focuses on healthy fats, meats and vegetables while excluding grains, sugar, processed foods, salt, legumes, coffee and alcohol. It favors the foods and lifestyle choices of our paleolithic ancestors. If you stick to the plan, portion control, and calorie counting are less essential.